Saturday, June 18, 2011

Last Week!

Here is a quick run-down of last week. I have a few things that I will put up a separate post about (Strawberry picking, our anniversary, Ryan's promotion ceremony at school) and I hope to have a few minutes to try and put up some videos!!! (all pics from the phone so excuse the poor quality).

Ryan was watching TV in the rocker, Owen climbed up in there with him and I rushed as fast as humanly possible to grab a camera and capture the sweet moment.

wasting time before Ryan got out of school..

After strawberry picking we headed out for a nature walk/playground time

He loves the baby swing because he can go so high in it! He still occasionally forgets to hold on to the big boy swing so he has to go fairly slow in that one.

The day Owen discovered how fun the slide could be.

I LOVE these boys!!!

He is only allowed to climb up the slide if no other children are at the playground...he loves doing it though.

I see my future..

After Ryan's promotion ceremony at school we let him pick lunch. He chose Chick-fil-A. We said he could have a special ice cream treat afterwards, but only if he would wear the hat. ;)

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