Saturday, June 18, 2011

10 on the 10th

Ok so it is the 18th and I am just posting this but oh well, at least I actually remembered to do it this month. Several months ago I came across a day-in-the-life post on another blog that I follow. I have been meaning to do it ever since but I somehow always forget. Basically you take one photo per hour for 10 hours on the 10th of the here's our first 10 on the 10th!

9am - reading his favorite book, Snuggle Puppy

10am - snack time before playtime!

11am - playing at the fountains - the only shot I have where both boys are pictured.

Noon = naptime = Happy ME!

1pm - time to clean

2pm - naps still going strong, time to enjoy a nice, cold glass of freshly made strawberry lemonade! YUM

3pm - Hello there bed head!

4pm - pool time!

5pm - dig in the dirt time --- help Mommy with the gardening time, (quickly followed by bath time)

6pm - 27 weeks pregnant belly shot ---- getting ready for an anniversary celebration with my wonderful hubby! Happy 9th anniversary, Jeff!!!!

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