Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Trying again..

I really want to get back into blogging on a regular basis.  I feel like I have so many wonderful little stories from when Ryan was a baby but I haven't done nearly as well documenting the lives of my other two children.

2014 is off to a really great start…hard to believe it is already nearly mid-March and nearly a certain someone's 6th birthday!!!  Really, it is just unbelievable.

There are so many things that have been happening lately that I truly do not want to forget…the way Em says musmic instead of music.  The way her hair curls up on the back of her neck.  The sweet way that Owen asks for cuddles every night before bed.  The way Ryan screams my name with delight and arms wide open as he runs off the bus each day.  I know that all of these moments will be gone in a moment and I don't want to forget them…ever….so it is time to be a better blogger!

:)  Looking forward to lots of updates and pictures to come.  xoxo.

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