Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Lots of pictures!!

I have lots and lots of pictures to share from our recent trip to Texas.  These are all random shots from our trip that I liked.  :)  Enjoy. 

the boys loved all the dandelions...loved them!

I would like to freeze time...these kiddos are growing TOO fast! 

he has quite an arm on him and throws a great spiral.  

doing what little brothers do...aggravating big brother with a leaf.  Someone thought it was fun.  :) 

Look of excitement on his face while playing with Uncle B and Grandpa J

if it has a hood on it, he wants it on! 

Jump, Jump!

2 of the 4 grand babies with their Papa! 

we had just run out of bread at the duck pond...shortly after this pic, the boys decided to try feeding the ducks Cheerios

a picnic outside, in a sleeveless top, in February. 

they were having a BLAST

more jumping!!

look at that air! 

1 comment:

Jenny said...

So beautiful, Shannon! I loved all of them :)
