Sunday, April 10, 2011

It's a Girl!!

Well we weren't going to find out the gender of our baby. Then we decided it would be really fun to find out and actually be able to share the news with our family in Texas in person as we are soon making a trip. Then we actually found out and realized that we were too excited to hold in our news for that long! We had Ryan make some phone calls to all of his grandparents and to his Aunt Jenn and Uncle B. Everyone was super-excited! No one even knew that we were going to find out so when Ryan called them to say he was going to have a baby sister, most of them thought that he was just wanting a baby sister. :)

I was 100% convinced that we would be having a boy. Ever since I was pregnant with Ryan I had visions of us having 3 boys. I even had dreams about having another boy. The only thing that has been different with this pregnancy is that I have had cravings. I never craved anything with the boys. This time I have been craving junk food to the extreme. I will probably gain 100 pounds if I am not careful...yikes! Jeff has been saying it's a girl from day one and Ryan even got it right! :)

We are so excited to welcome a sweet baby girl into our lives. I look forward to all that is ahead for our growing family. I love having my little boys, don't get me wrong. But I have dreamed of having a little girl forever. I am so excited about all that is in store for us and for her! :)

1 comment:

Erin Mueller said...

YAY!!! Congrats Shannon!!! I'm so excited for you guys! I have 2 older brothers and I'm the baby and only girl and it is awesome (2 big brothers that are your protectors). I'm sure the boys are going to just love on their lil sister!