Monday, December 15, 2008

Sick Baby...

For several days Ryan had been suffering from the common cold.  Yesterday I went to my cookie exchange with the Moms from group and right as I was leaving Jeff called asking me how long til I got home.  He said that Ryan had been really fussy and had a fever so he gave him a dose of Tylenol.  When I got home, Ryan's fever was pretty much staying the same.  We called the doctor and they told us to just monitor him give him more meds and bring him in the next morning.  Finally after hours of fussing, Ryan fell asleep at 7pm.  When he woke up at 9pm, he was burning hot.  His cheeks were bright red and his fever was over 103.  We decided to take a trip down to the hospital ER to get him checked out. 

After a couple hours at the hospital and a cute yellow "shirt" (Jeff said I am not allowed to call it a gown b/c those are for girls).  We discovered that Ryan has a double ear infection.  One of his ears is really bad.  Poor Baby!   Ryan seems to be feeling much better this morning but will be spending the day at home getting lots of extra cuddles from Mommy.  We will likely head back to the doctor tomorrow to make sure the medicine is working well.  

Needless to say, this was not exactly how we wanted to spend Ryan's 9 month birthday!  

This was how Ryan took his nap this morning...he looked like he had been sitting up and then just leaned over and fell asleep.  His chest was fully touching the mattress.  Oh to be so flexible.  He looks like he is practicing yoga. 

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